My primary motivation was an “experiencer” which was
interesting but overall inaccurate. The experiencer classification was
described as “young, enthusiastic, and impulsive consumers” which I have to
admit describes my consuming tendencies fairly well. I tend to purchase random
things impulsively; however, for larger, more important items I thoroughly
research the products prior to purchasing as any rational consumer would. I
found the “favorite things” section of the description the most interesting.
For the experiencer, the list included VW, Rolling Stone, Red Bull, and “to be
entertained” which I thought was very general because who does not like to be
entertained? Of the other items listed, I have no prior enthusiasm for VW,
Rolling Stone or Red Bull. I question the usefulness of such systemized
classifications of demographics. The classifications are just trade-offs between
accuracy and generalization. How many people readily identify with all the
attributes from a given VALS type? What
is the effect of specialized advertisements that appeal to specific VALS types?
My secondary type was “innovator” which is described as “change leaders and are
the most receptive to new ideas and technologies” and their “favorite things”
include BMW’s, Wired, sparkling water and “a rewarding experience”. The
favorite things section is weird, I don’t like sparkling water or Wired, and
again who does not like a rewarding experience. Overall, I identify more with
this description of Innovators but most of the attributes are too general for
me to consider the VALS type system accurate or useful.
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