In class we have discussed five
perspectives of media effect. They are the magic bullet theory, the two-step
flow, critical-cultural, cultivation, and agenda setting. In the documentary Mickey Mouse Monopoly it
discusses all of these, but two that stood out greater then the others were
critical cultural and cultivation theory.
They deal with how people see the greater society based on how Disney
portray society through there movies.
During the documentary it can
clearly be seen that critical-cultural theory is used. The major question this theory asks is how
media represents culture in interaction with the existing culture. It also
deals with how power works within a society and asks how media is used by
elites to maintain power. One example of
this from the documentary is when the narrator discusses how Disney owns not
just Disney, but ABC and a bunch of other radio stations and magazines. This is how Disney maintains media
power. They can publish what they want
and not discuss what they think will hurt their image. Another example of this
is when Disney remade the classic, Tarzan.
Jacqueline Maloney from Harvard talks about how the crows and monkeys
are always represented by black voice or jiving and hustling. She says they want to be like men but they
never will be. Due to this criticism the new Tarzan movie was made with no
black peoples voices or anything. It
shows Disney eliminated the black people in African and they also eliminated
their presence. It displays that the white executives in Disney want to promote
Another perspective that can be
seen in the documentary is the cultivation theory. The cultivation theory is a theory that
states that the more time people
spend watching television, the more likely they are to believe social reality
seen on television. Cultivation leaves people with a misperception of what is
true in our world. This can be seen in
many Disney videos, one that it is seen in, is beauty and the beast. Dr. Carolyn Newberger from Harvard talks
about how the beast is very mean to beauty.
She also discusses how beauty is supposed to find the prince charming
inside the beast and bring it out of them.
The little girls watching this film sees this and thinks that how a guy
is supposed to treat a girl and it is the girl’s job to tame the beast, which
are men. Another example is from
Aladdin, which Dr. Elizabeth Hadley discusses.
She talks about the scene where Jasmine seduces the person who is after
Aladdin. She finds that this is very
dangerous because it gives young girls the idea that to get what you want you
just have to use your bodies. Again if girls
watch are these Disney movies they will learn this, and in reality this is not
true and will not work. You have to work for what you want, not just be good
In the documentary Mickey Mouse Monopoly it can be seen that Disney
uses both the critical- Cultural Theory and the Cultivation theory in their
movies. This theory’s help Disney
portray certain images that they want the public to see, and it also make
claims to the viewers that are not true.
In the end the viewer has to know what is true and what is not true.
I think you touching on Tarzan was very important. Utilizing African American voices to personify both crows and monkeys can definitely be offensive when we look back on these "classic" films. Viewers will implicitly digest the characters actions and voices they intake while watching these films and translate them to their actual lives. It is pretty scary thought that Disney has so much power to influence the social views of its consumers--especially children. While Disney should have the right to make as much content as they do, and not face many restrictions (hence the de regulations of the FCC), now it is becoming more and more important to educate viewers on what the media they are consuming. It has a much bigger effect than we expect in many cases.