Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Online Assignment 3_Isaac Ama

Isaac Ama
Journalism 201
Jiun-Yi Tsai
27 November 2013
Online Assignment 3
Mickey Mouse Monopoly is a documentary explaining the influence of a powerful force like Disney and the power they can have over their viewers. Most children in America grow up watching these movies, but this documentary shows that they may have undesirable effects on the children who watch them. These effects can be seen through the Magic Bullet and Cultivation perspectives.
The magic bullet is the idea that Disney has a direct and powerful effect on those who view it. Examples of this can be seen when Dr. Elizabeth Hadley explains how movies, such as Disney movies, can shape the ideologies of children. Their young minds are susceptible to what they see in these movies and they can have powerful effects and even alter the way that these children see the world which is a very strong impact. Another instance in which the magic bullet effect can be seen is when Dr. Alvin Poussaint explains, “Disney is the ultimate form of acceptable fantasy that doesn't need to be questioned.” This explains how direct and powerful of an impact that these movies can have on the young children who watch them. No one needs to question the messages that these movies convey. They just accept them for what they are and the impacts stick with the children as they grow up. This isn't the only perspective seen in this film, though. They also show instances of cultivation theory.
Cultivation theory is less direct that magic bullet theory. It is when the messages of the films have subtle impacts and grow over time. One example of this can be seen when Gail Dines explains how these movies impact the culture that the children grow up in and the culture in turn forges ideologies. Dr. Lewis has the idea that these effects stick with the children, and as they grow into adulthood these ideas that they see in media compile into the culture that they grow up in. Because of this they grow up with these concepts in the forefront of their minds which create beliefs as they get older. The things that these children grow up with will stick with them for their whole lives and influence them when they are adults. Because of this the content of the movies matters. When they portray inaccuracies in different races or in gender roles the kids grow up with these concepts and will remember them when they are grown.

These two perspectives are just some of the ways that you can look at the influences of Disney movies, but they portray them in a realistic light.  We have to be careful of the content that children consume when they are young, because when they grow up those childhood movies may have stuck with them to forge their views of the world later on. The Magic Bullet and Cultivation Theory show the dangers of large corporations like Disney that are targeted at children because they can have lasting effects. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought that you hit some very good points about the film overall and I liked that you specifically pointed out the cultivation perspective as well as the magic bullet perspective. In addition I liked how you mention the quote by Dr. Poussaint about the acceptable fantasy world. This is a particularly interesting point in which I also chose to write about because of the connection between the young child's mind and the falsity of fantasy. The magic bullet method is a perfect example of how these fantasies can overwhelm children's minds and change their perception of reality.

    In addition to the magic bullet perspective, I liked your idea of using the cultivation perspective to describe Disney's media effect. for me personally, I feel as if Disney is definitely a huge part of my childhood and the childhoods of teenagers across the world. You brilliantly talked about the full effect of how Disney influenced our cultural upbringings and as become a part of our society. Great essay here Isaac!
