The magic bullet perspective is only
intensified through cultivated research which is another highly discussed issue
in the film. Disney is a huge part of
children’s lives and with the massive monopoly over children, many will be very
deeply connected to these animated films and take many lessons away from what
they see. Dr. Justin Lewis shows how
widespread Disney is and explains that these stories will be the stories that
form a child’s imaginary world. Disney
has immense power all over the world and this shows how critical it is to
understand the impact these stories are causing. Dr. Alvin Poussaint furthered these claims by
explaining how children were raised on Disney for many generations and is
becoming part of American culture in terms of identity. The film interviewed college students and
showedg the influence Disney stories have had on them. First Marc Nowak recited an entire Disney song
that he loved as a child, Meaghan Sinclair talked about all the fond memories
she has, and Nicole Gagerges claimed that the first Disney film she ever saw
was before she could talk. These
examples show how often these films are presented to the youth of America and
have impacted them for the rest of their live.
Marc Nowak would have had to have seen “The Little Mermaid” countless
times to be able to sing the entire scene from memory. Singing a Disney song may not be harmful but
when connected to the other themes that play a crucial part of these animated
films, one can easily see how detrimental it could be for children to be
exposed to these motifs time and time again.
TA: Jiun-Yi (Jenny) Tsai | Wed 1:00-2:15 pm, 2280 Grainger | Office hours: Mon 1:00-3:00 pm, 5050 Vilas
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Online Assignment 3_Rykoskey
The “Mickey Mouse Monopoly” goes
into great detail about the impact Disney films have on our youth. One of the major themes presented was the
Magic Bullet Perspective. Dr. Gail Dines
expresses concern about the role woman play in Disney films mainly because of the
“highly sexualized female bodies” with common traits of a “tiny waste, big
breasts and fluttering eyelashes.” These films she concludes are “constructing
notions about what femininity is.” Dr.
Diane Levin furthers this theme by showing how children fail to think about how
the representations don’t look like people in real life. They don’t make comparisons and this shapes kid’s
image about how they are going to look. Examples are shown through a scene from
“Aladdin” where Jasmin becomes a seductress to distract the bad guy and through
“Tarazan” where the girl needs to be rescued by a male. It shows how females are taught at a young
age that they need to use their bodies in a fashion not always appropriate in
real life in addition to the fact that females lack the ability to save their
own lives. This translates to real life
as shown in a clip from “The Mirror Project” where a young girl is acting out
the seductress role presented in many of the Disney films she has likely
indulged in many times.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Online Assignment 3: Dan Hively
This film demonstrates the immense power that the media holds over society, and how much this can influence children. The media effect that was most prominent was the "Magic Bullet" perspective, and it is seen through how the children played. The Magic Bullet perspective was described in lecture as "being powerful enough to incite emotions or actions". In this case, the media presented through movies influenced how children acted. Disney taught the children what the stereotypical roles in society were, and how they should act. Dr. Justin Lewis, a Journalism Professor at Cardiff University, stated that it goes beyond just acting out the film. He says that Disney influences how children think by ultimately "shaping their imagination". Disney shapes a child's imagination by repeatedly showing images and "influencing how the child sees the world".
The other example would be how media represents the culture. Society is what makes the culture and the media interprets it and represents culture how they see fit. In the end, this can lead to "loss in translation" when the media creates a stereotyped picture of what society is. In Disney's case, it can lead to a grossly overly generalized layout of society. The examples of racism in Disney can be seen in most of the minority groups. In The Jungle Book, crows and monkeys were portrayed as Black individuals with the way they talked and how they acted. In Oliver and Company, the Chihuahua, Tito, was spoken by a Mexican individual and is shown as a low life in society and a criminal. The Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp are given features that go with every Asian stereotype out there. This is dangerous because media has the "power to reinforce or assign new meaning to people and cultural
objects" (Lecture). This is especially a problem with the children who haven't experienced the real world yet as it paints a false image of what the society is like. Jacqueline Maloney, from the Harvard University, explained a story in which children at a grocery store comparing black children to the Hyenas they saw in the Lion King. Disney has shown kids their definition of a stereotypical black person. This misrepresentation of a group of people taught kids how Black individuals act and talk. It also teaches kids how black people act in society. In movies like The Jungle Book and The Lion King, Blacks are seen as background characters and have very minor roles. Interviewers in this movie asked children various questions about Disney movies, and one asked if they knew a movie in which a black character was the lead role. The children could not think of one.
This documentary gives a scary picture of how Disney impacts kids. Its hard to imagine a company with a mission to spread the magic could be called a media monopoly. It is eyeopening to see how Disney can use their movies to also market their products. By doing this, Disney engulfs everything children do by always having Disney related products around them. This movie was additionally frightening when realizing that my generation was the one effected by this. It makes me wonder how much I and the people where influenced by Disney.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Speech Self-Evaluation_Alec Cordero
I thought that I delivered my speech with mostly good body language (i.e. looking at the crowd, standing still, using hand gestures), but I think that I looked at my notes too often even though most of the information I presented was from my own memory. I should work on eye contact a lot more in the future when speaking in public. However, I noticed that I didn't use any filler language such as "um" or "like" and that the information I presented was very much relevant to the reading that I had studied. I pronounced all of my words fluidly, with intent, and even engaged with the audience at the beginning by asking a general question. I feel as though I was generally well-prepared with this speech in that I presented each of the main ideas from the reading, but I could make some smaller improvements on physical presence in the future.
Online assignment 3 Sarah Kuelbs
In the movie Mickey Mouse Monopoly, it is easy to see that these movies have a huge impact on children. Two of obvious ways are through the magic bullet and through cultural means.
When children watch Disney movies, they try to imitate them through play. This is an obvious trait of the magic bullet, which affects children directly. When children play, they act out direct scenes. Children often imitate characters - girls playing stereotypical feminine roles and boys following suit in male roles, often saving the girls. Also, racial prejudice is obvious in Disney movies. Voices played by minorities often portray negative roles. For example, the chihuahua in Oliver and Company played a character who was open and willing to do illegal tasks. Children associate these voices with voices of real children and will assume racial minority children also are associated with crime and violence.
This is an example of the magic bullet because the effect is strong and direct, reinforcing gender and racial roles. However, this is also a cycle in our culture. As racial and gender discrimination continue in our culture, these roles are reinforced and produced more in mass by the media. Another way Disney infiltrates into our culture is through consumerism. This is produced in mass through many aspects of our culture. This includes video games, clothing, toys, and even household items. It is easy to see how Disney has become an obvious part of our culture. While children do not realize this, Disney and consumerism go hand in hand and feeds the loop of what is produced in our culture.
Both ways obviously affect children, and whole Disney movies are important to many Americans, it is important that we are aware of these effects. Disney movies should be produced with stereotypes and gender roles in mind, making them more appropriate for children. And while they will probably continue to promote consumerism, parents should try to avoid buying all these products for their children, and instead, teaching children about race and gender roles in American society.
When children watch Disney movies, they try to imitate them through play. This is an obvious trait of the magic bullet, which affects children directly. When children play, they act out direct scenes. Children often imitate characters - girls playing stereotypical feminine roles and boys following suit in male roles, often saving the girls. Also, racial prejudice is obvious in Disney movies. Voices played by minorities often portray negative roles. For example, the chihuahua in Oliver and Company played a character who was open and willing to do illegal tasks. Children associate these voices with voices of real children and will assume racial minority children also are associated with crime and violence.
This is an example of the magic bullet because the effect is strong and direct, reinforcing gender and racial roles. However, this is also a cycle in our culture. As racial and gender discrimination continue in our culture, these roles are reinforced and produced more in mass by the media. Another way Disney infiltrates into our culture is through consumerism. This is produced in mass through many aspects of our culture. This includes video games, clothing, toys, and even household items. It is easy to see how Disney has become an obvious part of our culture. While children do not realize this, Disney and consumerism go hand in hand and feeds the loop of what is produced in our culture.
Both ways obviously affect children, and whole Disney movies are important to many Americans, it is important that we are aware of these effects. Disney movies should be produced with stereotypes and gender roles in mind, making them more appropriate for children. And while they will probably continue to promote consumerism, parents should try to avoid buying all these products for their children, and instead, teaching children about race and gender roles in American society.
Online Assignment #3_Dobbs
The video, Mickey
Mouse Monopoly, portrays many different course perspectives throughout the
film and addresses many controversial topics that open viewers’ minds to things
they have never thought of before. The two that I found most prominent were the
Magic Bullet and Culture Studies course perspectives.
The Magic bullet is one of our course perspectives I have
noticed in the film, Mickey Mouse
Monopoly. I have noticed this specifically in the section when the
commentators are talking about how women are portrayed in these Disney Films.
They examine very good points of how women are portrayed in these films and are
seen as “sexualizing”. They have skinny waists, flirtatious expressions, and
seductive speaking lines in certain movies, and little children are watching
this. The Commentator, Dr. Gail Dines, points out certain examples from movies,
such as Aladdin, where the female characters use their bodies to manipulate
people to get what they want. When children see this, they think that it is all
right to behave like this and do these things. The magic bullet comes into play
because children watch these actions happening and then think it is okay and go
ahead and do them. Another piece of proof of the magic bullet theory is when
the commentators are talking about the mirror effect and then they show the two
little girls dressing up like certain Disney characters and are signing songs
from different movies and are dressing up like the characters. One of the
commentators even mentioned that she saw children playing on a playground and
they were acting out scenes from certain Disney movies. She goes on to mention
that the things these children are watching in these movies are becoming real
life for them; it is the ultimate fantasy coming to life.
The course perspective of cultural studies is also very prominent
and well addressed in the Mickey Mouse
Monopoly. Multiple children were asked the question if they can recall
seeing any black people in any of the movies. They both responded no, they do
not recall seeing any or could not remember seeing any. This proves how
unequally represented different cultures are shown in Disney movies. There are
several examples within this video that prove different cultural studies among
Disney movies. The general theme is that other cultures are mostly represented
as animals, which is degrading. The first to talk about this is Marisa Peralta
when she is talking about how Latinos are always associated with Chihuahuas,
specifically in Lady and the Tramp, and are often participating in mischievous
activity. Jacqueline Maloney is next to talk about the representation of black
people in Disney. She talks about how they are mostly represented as animals
that usually do the dancing like the jive or hip-hop/break dancing and
typically mimic the speech patterns of this culture. She finds this present in
the orangutans in Jungle Book. The third example is Chyng Feng Sun describes
how the Asian stereotype is portrayed in the Siamese cats in Lady and the
Tramp. She states how the cats have the slanted eyes, buckteeth, and the very
heavy accents and are seen as cunning, sinister, and manipulative. She then
goes on to talk about how in Mulan, she is seen as a powerful woman, but the
woman stereotypes are still present in the movie. All of these cultural
representations are shown as inferior to Americans.
Online Assignment #3_O'Brien
Erin O'Brien
Section 310
Section 310
Mickey Mouse Monopoly was a
documentary discussing the criticisms in which always seemingly positive and
innocent Walt Disney films have had negative implications. In class we have
been discussing the Five Perspectives on Media Effects that are the Magic Bullet,
Two-Step Flow, Cultural Studies, Cultivated Research, and Agenda Setting
effects. Of the five, the Magic Bullet, Cultural Studies, and Cultivated
Research effects are of extreme takeaway from these children films.
The Magic
Bullet effect alludes to the idea that media effects are powerful, direct, and
able to incite action on its audiences. Throughout the documentary it was not
the experts who exhibited this effect, it was the commentary from the children
themselves. Children were used to respond to a critique regarding how the Beast
in Beauty and the Beast is physically
and mentally abusive to Belle who, as the film goes on, forgives the Beast for
his negative abuses. The children’s responses to questions regarding domestic
violence and the allowance of abuse were directly correlated with what they had
seen on screen. The children thought that it’s okay for men to abuse women as
long as they eventually stop and can be forgiven. Jacqueline Maloney pointed
out another direct and powerful effect from the Disney movie The Lion King. In the film, the hyenas,
representing the enemy, had voiceovers done by African Americans who talked in
ways that our society perceives inner-city children to talk. In an example,
Maloney discussed how a family friend’s child was terrified at a mall because
they overheard African American children talking and was convinced that the
hyenas from the movie were a reality.
This last
example can be related to the effect of Cumulated Research as well. In class we
discussed how impressions of the world could be cultivated through long-term
media exposure as well as the fact that heavy viewer likely to believe that the
real world is a dangerous place. Though not a severely extreme example, the
story about media’s influence over the perception of African American voices
serves a powerful one if it can inhibit fear among audiences in the outside
Cultural Studies effect was shown to be the most prominent seen throughout the
Disney franchise. Dr. Henry Giroux goes into great detail and passion about how
Disney has used its global renown and money to exhibit power over the
commercialization of products and its influence over the entire news
entertainment industry. He says that Disney is extremely political in the ways
in which it legitimizes which news can be relayed, which products will be sold,
and what content their films can instill on audiences. The content itself in
these films as discussed by Gail Dives implements strong cultural stereotypes
that further reinforce and give representation to people in society. These cultural
representations are exemplified through the feminist portrayal of the leads in Snow White, Mulan, and Beauty and the
Beast. Dives give meaning and understanding of the creation of these cultural
stereotypes by saying that scriptwriters are people present in society that
hold their own cultural stereotypes that inadvertently make their way into the
script; therefore further reinforcing and strengthening stereotypes already
present in our society.
I found
this assignment very interesting because I myself am an avid lover of Disney
classics. It was difficult though to uncover all of the negativity that comes
through this positive idea of film and entertainment. Though I do agree that
there are many unhealthy representations in these films, I support Dives in saying
that they are not intentionally placed in these films. However from here on
out, Disney should work to diminish these stereotypes as a more multicultural,
and gender equal world is evolving.
Online Assignment #3
Online Assignment #3
Journalism 201
Section 310
Sydney Heyler
The media
is an incredibly influential force in both society and individual lives. Children are the most susceptible to the
effects of media as they are still developing and trying to make sense of the
world around them. Watching “Mickey
Mouse Monopoly” was a fantastic insight into just how powerful the effects of
media can be. Of all of the different
perspectives used to analyze media effects, the cultural and cultivation
perspectives were the most evident in this film.
cultural perspective of media analyzes how media represents culture in
interaction with the existing culture. With the amount of influence it exerts,
media has the ability to shape someone’s beliefs/values and establish cultural
differences and identities. As Doctor
Gail Dines explains in “Mickey Mouse Monopoly”, “one of the most important
cultural mechanisms we have today is the media.
It gives us a whole array of images, stereotypes and belief systems
about race, class gender…” An example of this would be the gender differences Disney
has displayed for the role young girls play in society. Women are consistently portrayed as
seductive, weaker characters, using their physical traits to get what they want
and being unable to get out of trouble without the help of a man. Young girls
viewing this content are being shaped into believing this is how all women in
society should act. Racial stereotypes
and differences are also commonly seen in Disney films. In the movie Tarzan, the protagonist is a
white male, despite the movie’s location in Africa. In fact, there is not a single Black
character in the film, they are instead portrayed as gorillas. This image of portraying the Black characters
as animals creates a sense of Caucasian superiority, something that even
children will not fail to recognize. Disney is very clear in its support of
Caucasian superiority and the subordination of women. Children, who may not have formed these
opinions yet and are trying to figure out their place in the world, are easily
influenced by these strong assertions.
Considering Disney has been consistently run by wealthy, Caucasian
males, these ideals and their prominence in Disney’s media are not surprising.
The second
perspective of media seen in this film is the cultivation perspective. This perspective argues that media have a
long-term effect on citizens that is “not instantaneous, large or direct, but
small, indirect and cumulative.” Doctor Justin Lewis supports this perspective
by saying “after awhile those images will begin to shape what we know and what
we understand about the world; that’s a slow, cumulative effect and it’s much
more subtle.” What makes Disney fall
under this perspective is the consistency of its content. Very similar themes, content and stereotypes
are found in numerous Disney films. Children could be considered “heavy
viewers” of media, making them much more susceptible to the on-going,
cumulative effects that Disney delivers.
When they see an image/message over and over again, they are likely to
adopt it and bring it into their own lives.
Disney becomes less of an entertainment spectacle and more of a
All media
affects us in one way or another.
“Mickey Mouse Monopoly” highlights how the cultural and cultivation
perspectives of media influence their viewers.
At such an influential stage of life, children are very susceptible to
the effects of Disney’s media. It is
crucial that Disney and all large media outlets not only recognize the power
that they have, but use it in a responsible and effective way.
Online Assignment #3_Jacobsen
Marlowe Jacobsen
Journalism 201
Section 310
26 November 2013
Journalism 201
Section 310
26 November 2013
The Global Impact of
Media Conglomerations on Children
The influence of the Disney Corporation
now perpetuates through a global society. As one of seven major media
conglomerations, they have a specialized impact on their target market, who as we know, happen to be children. In reviewing the documentary, “The Mickey Mouse
Monopoly” the media perspectives most salient are the critical-cultural studies
and cultivation research. These perspectives aim to show the causal, but
indirect relationship of the media, specifically Disney, on the minds of our
youth globally.
The main goals of the critical-cultural
studies perspective is to relay that an aspect of power is present in all media
and that media reinforce and legitimize messages created in a society. Media
are very effective in perpetuating often negative values and belief systems
according to our culture. Dr. Gail Dines states that “encoded in media images
are ideologies about how we think about the world.” She specifically talks
about this in the context of gender representations and the traditional role of
females in Disney movies. She gives examples of female characters always needing
the support of a male. This reinforces the idea that women are supposed to be
weak and vulnerable. Dr. Diane Levin agrees with these ideas when she states
that media “shape kids’ ideas about how they are supposed to look.” She gives examples of male characters in Disney
such as princes or knights as strong, rich and handsome. For female characters,
the norm is that their bodies are highly sexualized and unrealistic. Also, it
continues the idea that women should use their bodies to get what they want.
These cultural beliefs originated long ago in history, but with Disney’s help
they continue to perpetuate in society today.
The second type of perspective
salient in this documentary was cultivation research. This theory relays that our cultural
environment builds over time through the media. Continued exposure to the media
shapes how we perceive things and our subsequent actions. As a brand that has
been around almost a century, most people living today have grown up with the
movies and characters of Disney. Dr. Alvin Poussaint realizes this global
impact Disney has had as the “dominant storyteller.” He states that these “stories
help from a child’s imagination all over the world” because of their constant
presence in the market over the years. Dr. Justin Lewis agrees that the media,
especially the Disney Corporation, has had a slow, cumulated effect on culture.
Racial and gender stereotypes are especially cultivated and perpetuated in this
way through misrepresentations and implicit archetypes in the Disney films.
These translate to our culture through perceptions on genres such as crime.
Through the examination of
critical-cultural studies and cultivation research, many experts agree that
though Disney’s impact has not been immediate, their continuous and prominent
presence in the lives of children has had a profound impact on our culture.
With each generation exposed to the media of the Disney Corporation, the more
these often negatives ideologies continue in our society without much contestation.
It’s important to have a critical eye on the media children and also adults
consume. After all, it is our responsibility to see that the younger generations
have sound values and beliefs as they are educated about the world.
Online Assignment 3_Alvarado Silverman
The documentary “Mickey Mouse Monopoly” discusses many ways
in which Disney movies and products affect children around the world. It talks
about how racial depictions, gender roles in society, the commercialization of
Disney’s products, and other things in the Disney universe affect children’s
ways of thinking about the world around them. The media perspectives discussed
in lecture which I feel apply best to the views expressed in the documentary
are the Magic Bullet, and Cultural
The Magic
Bullet is the idea that media are powerful, direct, and able to incite emotions
and actions. After watching the documentary, there is no doubt that Disney has
a powerful and direct effect on children. When the teacher is describing how
her children play the “damsel in distress” game at recess, this shows that
viewing Disney movies has a powerful effect on the way children play and
interact with one another. This point is further emphasized later, when they
discuss how the commercialization of Disney movies into toys directly effects
how children play, because children want to play with the toys as if they are
in the movie. This shows just how powerful Disney is in the lives of children
everyday. It also shows how Disney can incite emotion and action, as playing is
a big way for children to express themselves.
The other
media perspective which is clearly shown in the film is Cultural Studies.
Cultural Studies deals with how media represents culture in society, and also
with how power works in society. This is discussed in depth throughout the
course of the documentary, but the main two points that stuck out to me were
gender roles and racial depictions. According to the documentary, Disney movies
tend to display minorities as inferior or evil in a majority of their movies.
This greatly affects children’s views of people of different ethnicities and
races from their own. An example of this from the documentary is when one of
the professors talks about how a white friend of hers had a child who saw black
children playing on a carousel, and referred to them as the “hyenas,” because
in one of Disney’s movies there are evil hyenas whose voices sound more like a
typical black person’s voice. This also relates back to the idea of the magic
bullet, where the Hyenas had a powerful and direct effect on the child that incited
emotions. The film also discussed how a child’s view of gender and gender roles
is greatly affected by Disney films. They discuss how women in Disney films are
always depicted as large-breasted, skinny waisted, seductresses, and this makes
children believe that this is what women should look and act like. They also
discuss how in many movies, such as Mulan, men are shown as the power figures,
and/or always have to save the women in the end regardless of how strong she
is. Overall, when you look at Disney movies through both the Magic Bullet view
and the Cultural Studies view, it seems as if Disney films are much more
harmful than helpful to children.
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